Thursday, September 10, 2009

Government healthcare: Whether we want it or not.

President Obama said that it was his number one goal to fix the Healthcare problem. There are two fallacies here; 1) Healthcare is broken, and 2) It's the healthcare industries fault.

Our healthcare industry is one of the best in the world. We have better equipment, better personnel, and better doctors than any other country in the world.

I've got a newsflash. It's not the healthcare industries fault and it's not broken. What is broken is the healthcare insurance industry. It's insurance companies that are allowed to dictate what a doctor gets paid, what he can do, and who can join their service.

I think the government is getting involved in something that will bring only more power to them.

If they go ahead and sign this into law, even though we don't want it, they will be violating the following articles that the founding fathers believed in:
1) That every business has the right to try, buy, sell, fail.
2) Government should keep it's nose out of the business world, except in cases of
a) Illegal force - compelling purchases or sales of products
b) Fraud - Misrepresenting the quality, location, or ownership of items being bought and sold.
c) Monopoly - eliminating competition and restraining trade
d) Debauchery

Once the government takes over the medical industry or the healthcare industry, they will be violating 2 a, b, and c.

Let's look at each of those:
Once they get control, they will force everyone to get health insurance, or pay a 3800 dollar fine. That's a) Illegal force, and b) extortion.
They are already committing fraud by, 1) Declaring that it won't raise the debt, 2) Illegal immigrants won't be able to get on it, 3) People will have a choice (see above.) 4) You can choose your own doctor and policy. In the end, they'll decide which doctor you can see, and give you a one size fits all policy.
Once they take over, they'll monopolize it, just like they did with medicare and medicaid and social security.

I hate to tell you, but the government can't balance it's own checkbook, and the house keeps writing bad checks on it's own bank, and everytime you hear about identity theft from the government, it's perpetrated against government employees, such as veterans and social security holders.

I don't know about you, but I don't want these jokers having my medical information. That's just dangerous.

If you haven't already, I urge you to read the 5000 year leap by W. Cleon Skousen. This is something that everyone should know about the Constitution and the people who wrote it.

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