Thursday, August 13, 2009

When all else fails, they will paint you as a political terrorist

You can always tell when your opponent is running out of ideas, or is getting paranoid about you, when he starts saying things like, "Anyone who opposes my idea, is just a self seeking political terrorist like Timothy McVeigh."

Please keep in mind that this blog isn't about left or right, conservative, or liberal, it's about what's right and wrong. It is considered bad form to shout down your opponent, or use Union Goons to prevent citizens from showing up to voice their concerns to their chosen representatives.

In my humble opinion, both sides of the current government have forgotten who they serve, and actually think that we live to serve them. That's why we have to work until July to pay taxes. They have come to think of their offices as their birthright, and have also forgotten that we, the people, put them there.

Right now, the ruling party, the democrats, are willing to push the healthcare bill through, even though 75% of the people don't want it. They are not telling you the truth about it, and it's time for patriots to speak out about it. Don't let them shut you up, don't let them threaten you, and don't be afraid of some charismatic community organizer, that just happened to land in the White House. If you let them cow you, then you will simply take what they dish out, and when they come for you, you will compliantly go with them like stupid sheep.

It is our God given right to speak out and be heard. It is our God given right to have our country run our way, according to the constitution, which was handed to us by shed blood.

In this blog, I hope to show you the constitution and put it in modern terms, so you can understand it. I also hope to introduce you to people like Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, and Patrick Henry. These were our founding fathers, and they left us a powerful Legacy.

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