Saturday, November 21, 2009

It Is not the GOVERNMENTS Job to take care of people.

The US Senate bribed two blue dog democrats in order to get their 60 person quota and put the Health care take over bill on the floor for discussion.  Are these people arrogant or what?

Where do these people get off thinking that it's governments job to take care of people, even when they don't want the government to do it?  In my opinion, this bill could turn into massive tyranny in a heartbeat.  Now, let me tell you why.

1)  They want to cover everyone who doesn't have insurance, and they want to compete.  The US Government has never competed a day in it's life.  They dictate, they mandate, and they force.

2)  They are going to tax everyone, and I mean everyone 2.5% of their paycheck in order to pay for people who don't need insurance, and don't want it, or shouldn't get it anyway.  That 2.5% in addition to the 8% they pull out for Social Security, and 1% they pull out for Medicare and 1% they pull out for Medicaide.  So, that's 12.5% of your check that you won't get.  They've just decided to screw you out of more of your money.

3)  If that 12.5% wasn't enough, they are going to fine you anywhere from 1500 to 250,000 dollars if you don't have insurance.  And if you can't pay that fine, you will spend anywhere from 1-5 years in jail.   You can kiss your freedom goodbye if you can't or don't want to pay that fine.

4)  They are going to let illegal immigrants on the insurance as well, because they haven't set up an e-verification system.  In fact, that was stripped out of the bill by the same democrats who don't want you to keep your money.

5)  This is such a crappy idea that Congress wants no part of it, period.  They won't be on it, they'll get to keep their 20-30 insurance companies that give better prices.

6)   They've already started the rationing idea.  They've started saying that mammograms don't have to be done until age 40, and pap smears don't have to be done until age 30, and prostate studies until 50.  They don't give a shit about you, me, or anyone but themselves.

7)  Insurance companies have already figured out that this is going to run 3600 dollars a person a year, and it goes up every year by another 3600.  That's 3600, the first year, 7200 the next, 10,800 the next.  This is starting to add up to some real money.

8)  This is 16%, more or less, of our GDP.  They've already taken over the banks, the car companies, they want health care, they want the power companies and gas companies, and they want you and me and everyone else as their landlocked slaves.

So, how does it feel to be the morons that voted for the democrats that are going to lock the shackles around your ankles and march your butt into the fields?

If you don't believe me, then look at who's printing the money and who's controlling it.  It's not the Treasury Department, it the Federal Reserve Bank, a freakin' private bank that now controls the money supply.  These are rich bankers who don't give a shit about you and me.  Just think about what they did before.  They forclosed on peoples houses, they loaned money to people who couldn't pay it back, and then they begged for money from the government, and once they had it, they loaned it to banks overseas.

So, once again, how does it feel to be the morons who voted the power hungry, arrogant pricks into office?  You won't have anyone other than yourself to blame when they march you into the FEMA camps and force you to take vaccines that poison you, or when you can't see your private doctor, or when you die from something that could have been cured.

The only way not to have this happen, is to call your senator, representative, and staffers, and tell them that it's not their job to take care of people.  IT IS NOT THEIR JOB!!!!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

It's time to impeach President Obama for Violating the Constitution

In case most of you missed it, like I did, President Obama has seated himself on the Security Council of the United Nations.  In doing so, he's violated the Constitution, namely Section 9 of the Constitution, which  says: " No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State."

In seating himself as the head of the UN Security Council, President Obama has betrayed our country and needs to be impeached.  He has effectively sold himself to the UN, and is representing their interests and not our own.
If our elected representatives are too stupid to realize this, then they too, need to be impeached and put in prison.  I've got just the one in mind, the very one that Obama wants to buy and use to house Terrorists that have been kept in Get'mo.  It would be the perfect place for them, since they've become domestic terrorists and are working on taking over our country and destroying the Constitution.  

Thursday, November 12, 2009

To carry guns or not to carry guns.

In the battle for the second amendment, it is important to realize that American Citizens have the right to keep and bear arms, and the reason for the 2nd amendment is because our founding fathers knew the pitfalls of having and carrying weapons to protect themselves against the tyranny of government.

I recently came across this article, and found this statement to be interesting: But Reggie "Reg" Davis, the former radio deejay elected last week to the City Charter Commission, was critical of public officials who carry weapons, calling it a "disgrace" because it sends the wrong message.He said he will fight to keep council members from bringing guns to City Hall.  "You need to be like Gandhi, be the change that you wish to see," said Davis, whose younger brother was gunned down in Detroit. "The people elected you to show them a different way to go and you're walking around carrying guns. That is the most ignorant way to do things. If I'm a City Council person, I don't want guns."

If I recall, Ghandi is dead, and the only reason he fought with passive methods, was because guns had been taken away from the people of India.  Now, in my mind, a person should be able to carry a gun anywhere, at any time, and for any reason.  Keep in mind that Texas is an open carry state, and for those who don't want to carry openly, there are concealed handgun licenses. 

My theory is that if everyone who was responsible carried a gun, then there'd be less crime, mainly because a criminal would be afraid to come face to face with someone who had a gun and knew how to use it.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thank you for proving my point.

What exactly is so hard to comprehend? Fort Hood jihadist Maj. Nidal Hasan made his means, motives and inspiration all too clear for those willing to see and hear. In his 2007 slide presentation to fellow Army doctors on "The Koranic World View As It Relates to Muslims in the Military," Hasan spelled it out: "We love death more then (sic) you love life!"

Thank you Major Hasan, you've just proven my point. Muslims are followers in a gigantic death cult that masquerades as a religion. If this is the way a majority of the Muslim's think, then Islam should be declared a cult and it's followers cultists, then we can get down to the business of wiping it off the face of the planet.

There is no room on this globe for a death cult. The last major death cult, the Thugee, were wiped out by the people of India. Maybe it's time for us to do the same to Islam.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Why Religion should never trump the constitution.

Army officials strongly deny any suggestion that Hasan's religion resulted in his being given special treatment. But one officer who attended the Pentagon's medical school with Hasan disagrees. "He was very vocal about being a Muslim first and holding Shari'a law above the Constitution," this officer recalls. When fellow students asked, "How can you be an officer and hold to the Constitution?," the officer says, Hasan would "get visibly upset - sweaty and nervous - and had no good answers."

If this is true, then Major Hasan should have been court martialed and dishonorably discharged for violating the oath he took as an officer of the armed forces.  A member of the armed forces repeats the following oath when he's sworn in.

I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

It would appear from the statement above that his being a Muslim first and holding Shari'a law above the Constitution, took priority over his defending our country against all enemies, domestic and foreign.  Because, if he already considered us his enemy, then he would have betrayed us during combat, or done what he did in Killeen, only with more casualties.  

If this is true, and he was protected because of his religion, then the Army should quickly rethink it's strategy and start cracking down on the fifth columnists that could be in our ranks right now.  What if it hadn't been a psychiatrist, but a missile technician on a boomer, or a pilot of a B2, and instead of a pistol, he hit us with a cruise missile or a guided nuclear bomb?

It's time for political correctness to go the way of the dodo bird and let us return to our most basic freedom of all, that of free speech. 

Monday, November 9, 2009

When Religion takes precedence over Patriotism

In case anyone has missed this, I've got this little tidbit for people.

A radical American imam living in Yemen who had contact with two 9/11 hijackers praised Hasan as a hero as a hero on his personal Web site Monday.
The posting on the Web site for Anwar al Awlaki, who was a spiritual leader at two mosques where three 9/11 hijackers worshipped, said American Muslims who condemned the Fort Hood attack are hypocrites who have committed treason against their religion.
Awlaki said the only way a Muslim can justify serving in the U.S. military is if he intends to "follow in the footsteps of men like Nidal."
"Nidal Hassan (sic) is a hero," Awlaki said. "He is a man of conscience who could not bear living the contradiction of being a Muslim and serving in an army that is fighting against his own people."

If this is true, then maybe it's time to put some internment camps up, or at the very least, bar Muslim's from serving in the US Armed Forces.  If this Imam is right when he says, "A Muslim is a Muslim, regardless of his birthplace," then how how can we trust people who put their religion above the oath they took to protect the Constitution?  If they can turn on us at any time, and even shoot us in the back, then maybe it's time to stand up for what's right and tell them no.

After all, if their only true oath is to a 6th century religion, then how can a soldier trust that the man that's guarding his back, won't shoot him, instead of the terrorists?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Government healthcare: Whether we want it or not.

President Obama said that it was his number one goal to fix the Healthcare problem. There are two fallacies here; 1) Healthcare is broken, and 2) It's the healthcare industries fault.

Our healthcare industry is one of the best in the world. We have better equipment, better personnel, and better doctors than any other country in the world.

I've got a newsflash. It's not the healthcare industries fault and it's not broken. What is broken is the healthcare insurance industry. It's insurance companies that are allowed to dictate what a doctor gets paid, what he can do, and who can join their service.

I think the government is getting involved in something that will bring only more power to them.

If they go ahead and sign this into law, even though we don't want it, they will be violating the following articles that the founding fathers believed in:
1) That every business has the right to try, buy, sell, fail.
2) Government should keep it's nose out of the business world, except in cases of
a) Illegal force - compelling purchases or sales of products
b) Fraud - Misrepresenting the quality, location, or ownership of items being bought and sold.
c) Monopoly - eliminating competition and restraining trade
d) Debauchery

Once the government takes over the medical industry or the healthcare industry, they will be violating 2 a, b, and c.

Let's look at each of those:
Once they get control, they will force everyone to get health insurance, or pay a 3800 dollar fine. That's a) Illegal force, and b) extortion.
They are already committing fraud by, 1) Declaring that it won't raise the debt, 2) Illegal immigrants won't be able to get on it, 3) People will have a choice (see above.) 4) You can choose your own doctor and policy. In the end, they'll decide which doctor you can see, and give you a one size fits all policy.
Once they take over, they'll monopolize it, just like they did with medicare and medicaid and social security.

I hate to tell you, but the government can't balance it's own checkbook, and the house keeps writing bad checks on it's own bank, and everytime you hear about identity theft from the government, it's perpetrated against government employees, such as veterans and social security holders.

I don't know about you, but I don't want these jokers having my medical information. That's just dangerous.

If you haven't already, I urge you to read the 5000 year leap by W. Cleon Skousen. This is something that everyone should know about the Constitution and the people who wrote it.